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Live As a Global Citizen

A second residency/citizenship opens the door to additional freedoms, business opportunities, tax advantages, healthcare, education, and more.

Motcomb Facilitates Global Citizens

Motcomb specializes in expedited, bespoke mobility solutions

We develop and manage innovative solutions

We introduce you to well-structured and institutional grade private equity investment funds for RCBI and accredited investors.

We don’t fit square pegs into round holes

Motcomb's unique in that we have access to a variety of rare products across the world, individualizing your solution based on your unique situation and goals.

We’re licensed and have dozens of years of experience

We are neither an agent nor an intermediary. Motcomb itself and its sister companies have licenses in the jurisdictions of our portfolios, and investment opportunities.

Invest in innovative, top-performing industries

We adopt an active selection process for RCBI investments and dynamically manage our investment allocation across industry sectors. With particular focus on real estate, technology and agribusiness.


Exclusive access to institutional grade, global programs

US programs like EB-5, E-2 and Citizenship by Investment in Turkey and Antigua.

Frequently asked questions

Here are some top questions about our citizenship and residency programs

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What our clients say

We've helped a wide variety of clients navigate the ever-changing landscape of citizenship and residency programs.

Our Resources

Our most helpful resources

Read our most up-to-date resources about global citizenship & residency programs

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